This 760-sq-km park protects some of the last remnants of rainforest in southern Madagascar, as well as spiny forest and a remarkable 12 species of lemurs. It also boasts 129 recorded species of birds, and a variety of amphibians and reptiles, including crocodiles. In short, this is one of Madagascar's most diverse parks when it comes to both landscapes and wildlife. Questionable security in surrounding areas is our only explanation for why the park remains so little known.
6, Tolagnaro, Anosy, Madagascar
760 km²
water is not safe to drink in Madagascar, always drink bottled water or carbonated drinks. When drinking bottled water, check to be sure the seal is not broken on the cap.
Malagasy ariary
June, July, August, September, October
The best time to visit is from June through late October.
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