The Ankarafantsika National Park is located in the Boina region in the northwest of Madagascar. To the east, the park is bounded by the Mahajamba river and to the west by the Betsiboka river. The park is located along the national road 4 (RN4), about 115 kilometres south of Mahajanga (2 hours by car) and 450 kilometres north of the capital Antananarivo (8 hours). The road is in good condition and accessible all year round. There is a daily taxi-brousse service between Antananarivo and Mahajanga. Alternatively, Air Madagascar offers regular scheduled flights.
4, Marovoay, Boeny, Madagascar
1 350 km²
water is not safe to drink in Madagascar, always drink bottled water or carbonated drinks. When drinking bottled water, check to be sure the seal is not broken on the cap.
Malagasy ariary
May, June, July, August, September, October
The dry season is from May to October.
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