Chad Basin National Park is found in the northeastern part of Nigeria between Borno and Yobe States and covers an area of 2258sq km. The park covers 3 eco-regions of Chingurmi-Duguma, Bade Nguru Wetlands and Bulatura Oases.
The largest is is Chingurmi-Duguma Sector covering an estimated is 1228sq km in the districts of Gulumba and Woloji in the Borno state. The sector is made of large acacia woodlands and dotted with dense patches of elephants grass-a typical extension of the sahelian zone. This section borders the Waza National Park in the neighboring Cameroon.
Bade-Nguru Wetlands Sector is often referred to as Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands and covers an area of just 938sq km south west of the town of Bade and Jakusko. The main attraction in this part of the park is Dagona Waterbirds Sanctuary that is internationally significant as a host to migrant birds. Some of the important tourists to the sanctuary include the president of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Prince Bernhardt of Netherlands and Prince Philip and the Duke of Edinburgh who the site in 1987 and 1989 respectively.
Bulatura Sector is just a landscape of Sand Dunes in Yusufari town of Yobe State covering an area of 92sq km. valleys are fertile zones with swamps while the oases are formal tourist zones when it comes to eco-tourism.
Borgu, Niger, Nigeria
2 258 km²
It is not safe to drink water from the taps in Nigeria, always opt for bottled water that is sealed.
Nigerian naira
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