Covering some 1200 sq km, the Parc National de Haut Niger is one of West Africa's last significant stands of tropical dry forest and one of the most important protected areas in Guinea. The forest, which is pock marked with areas of tall grassland savanna and run through by the River Niger, has plenty of wildlife including significant numbers of chimpanzees, buffalo, duikers and waterbuck as well as crocodiles and hippos.
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However, you would be very lucky indeed to actually see much wildlife thanks to the dense foilage, a general sense of caution of most of the animals and a near total lack of visitor facilities. Dedicated birders though will likely find the forest highly rewarding.
To get to the park take the dirt road leading east from Faranah to the tiny village of Sanbaya (Sambonya) via Beindou. This is where you will collect your obligatory guide and the park itself starts just to the north of the village.
Bora, Kouroussa, Guinea
Equatorial Guinea
6 000 km²
Water quality in Equatorial Guinea is very poor in terms of access. Fewer households in Equatorial Guinea have access to safe water than most other countries.
Guinean franc
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