Kismayo is located on the southern coast of Somali. It is famous for being an Al-Shabaab stronghold and is known to have experience fighting between the militia and government forces. In spite of the conflict, Kismayo is home to a national park. Kismayo National Park is home to some of the unique species of wildlife and plants even though most are common to East African countries. The park is 17 miles from Kismayo town and has experienced massive poaching of its animals by poachers. The park is home to the Somali Shee a native of the park. Other animals such as lions, zebras, and wild boars can also be found in the park. Efforts to manage the parh have been fruitless because of the domination by militias
3 340 km²
According to UNICEF research, only a third of Somali families have access to clean drinking water. ... Communities with a combined population of over 700,000 persons are benefiting from this safe water program.
United States Dollar, Somali shilling
January, February, July, October
Based on the beach/pool score, the best times of year to visit Kismayo for hot-weather activities are from mid January to early February and from early July to late October.
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